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moon phases |
The Dane got tickets for us to see Los Lonely Boys and the Robert Randolph Family Band. RRFB i've seen a few times before, and they're usually yummy, tight arrangements of lap steel. i was vaguely disappointed last night, as they were a little off their game, for one reason or another.
Los Lonely Boys, on the other hand, rock exceedingly hard. copious lashings of crunchy guitar are always a good thing. (what, you thought i was going to say tea? nah. geetar for this girl.)
i'm thinking i'll go home and crank up some Johnny Lang on the stereo tonight, as he was about the only thing missing from the bill, and i'd much rather still be where i was last night than here, now.
because silliness improves the day, because i love Homestarrunner, specifically Strongbad emails, because Mike pointed out that there are Easter eggs in the emails (and they rock), because James made me laugh.
You are spoon guy. You should have planned ahead buddy, or packed a bigger lunch.
Which rejected character are you?
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i swear, every time i've gone in there lately, i've gone in for *one* thing and come out a few hundred dollars poorer. this weekend? went in for curtains, came out with three bookcases, a showerhead and a GPS unit. no curtains.
i should swear off the place. but i've got this whole nesting thing going on, what with The Dane being in a new place and all... and Targè is just so tempting.
Plan B:: safeguard
Seattle:: Slew
The lady wore:: red
Upsetting:: tip over the table
Tampon:: string on fire
Celebrity:: hat trick
Baja:: surfing
64:: MGB
RGB:: Roy G Biv
Milkshake:: float
last night was Comics Come Home IX. what a great show! (the fact that i was getting paid to watch and laugh didn't hurt, either.) the local boys were certainly my favorites; and i loved that nearly 3000 people were laughing along with Big Dig jokes.
ever notice how there's a quality to laughter that lets you know why someone is laughing? the polite 'party manners' laugh, the uncomfortable giggle, the entertained laugh, the 'heard it before' snicker, the completely caught off guard belly laugh - you can always tell. there was something about the 'he's joking about my town, and he's from here, so he can do that' laugh that's really comforting. plus, when someone does a sight gag to explain why they think the whole bridge to tunnel to bridge bit was designed and drawn by a narcoleptic... it's even funnier when half the people in the room had to drive over that bridge to get there.
so many funny bits... the one that sticks the most is a weather bit. now, each time i think about the weather, i hear Don Gavin saying, 'When I was a kid, we didn't have wind chill. We had 'seems like'.' heh. none of this fabricating a formula to figure out how cold it seems like, just say 'it seems like -15°!'
the night was also worth it for the once in a lifetime factor. how often do you see Phil Esposito and Don Bucyk tending bar and doing shots of Jamesons with Denis Leary? not often, i suspect, which is why i'm glad i was there.